In some areas like personnel, this merger will involve eliminating up to 30 percent of the jobs.
The company had announced in January that it planned to eliminate up to 800 jobs.
Health Canada would eliminate up to 840 jobs, including 150 scientists.
The move will ultimately eliminate up to 1,000 jobs in Cincinnati.
In all, Ford plans to eliminate up to 30,000 jobs and close as many as 14 factories over the next six years.
Plans now call for eliminating up to a quarter of the county's workforce of 16,000.
Eliminating any Member State's influence in projects up to 10 million is a bridge too far at the present stage.
Delta would cut $2 billion, or about 16 percent, from its annual operating costs and eliminate up to 15,000 jobs.
Colgate-Palmolive is planning a $100 million revamping that would eliminate up to 3,000 jobs, a news service reported.
A recent petroleum industry study, which has been derided by state environmental officials, projected that the standards could eliminate up to 66,000 jobs.