I represented the state of Georgia after winning elimination contests for that state.
Seven have entered this brutal elimination contest but after Iowa the field may be down to six.
The series, called "On the Lot," will combine elements of several previous reality series to form an elimination contest for aspiring filmmakers.
This elimination contest is at the very core of 'The Bar', as one by one the contestants are forced to leave the show.
Each week, the contestants played reward challenges and elimination contests.
The elimination contests determined the two people who would be up for elimination from play.
These three lost the elimination contest, and were rejected by the Board of Trustees.
It was an annual bursary for promising artists having proved their talents by completing a very difficult elimination contest.
During the elimination contest: "Lawell was closely pressing Christie for the fifth place."
"Big Brother" places 12 volunteers together in a house filled with cameras for a three-month-long elimination contest.