It needs much higher levels of fitness, and during the course there is often a high elimination rate of trainees who do not make the grade.
This is because of the slow elimination rate of iodides and bromides.
Atorvastatin administration along with flunitrazepam results in a reduced elimination rate of this molecule.
Extrapolation is calculated using five factors and a general elimination rate of 0.015/hour.
Atorvastatin administration along with midazolam results in a reduced elimination rate of midazolam.
With an elimination rate ranging from 3 percent to 29 percent per class, a total of 3,367 finished the course.
Serum level and urinary elimination rate are linearly correlated.
Smoking has been shown to enhance the elimination rate of toluene from the body, perhaps as a result of enzyme induction.
The relationship between the elimination rate constant and half-life is given by the following equation:
Precise records were maintained of his hits and misses; the elimination rate was 12%.