It is an elite unit that can be rapidly sent anywhere in the world.
While the military usually got the best, far better than the civilian population, these days even the elite units were suffering.
The police posts were those of Force 17, an elite unit.
For more elite units like Force 17, the training is three months.
But they probably have some special radio net for their elite unit.
They were proud to serve as part of an elite unit.
It was flawless, just as expected from the members of an elite unit.
That culture is often one associated today with elite units and not a whole army.
Some would say that today, such a culture is associated only with elite units and not a whole army.
And more than anything else, she wanted to join the elite unit.
They are considered to be one of Sweden's most elite units.
The more domination points a player has, the more elite units he or she can build.
He enlisted in the American Army and served with one of its most elite units.
In view of your public position on these elite units in the past, would you care to make a statement?
Those elite units are often used to operate deep behind enemy lines.
It didn't hurt to draw people hand-selected from an already elite unit.
Like all elite units around the world, the Airborne had its unique badges and symbols.
Kelly knew of no really elite unit that had developed a drug problem.
It remains the most elite corps-size unit in China today.
An elite Dutch unit has been set up to guard the southern border of the city.