I know elk hunters.
I guess he must have taken the first one that came along, but beginning elk hunters tend to do that.
What means are left, then, with which to deceive fellow elk hunters?
Here's an example of how disinformation can be put to good use by elk hunters.
You are now playing cards with some other elk hunters, and one of the guys asks you if you got your elk last year.
When all of the successful elk hunters of the previous year are asked to stand, I alone at our table remain seated.
Living near the coast of the Pacific Ocean, they were skilled elk hunters and fishermen.
"If we wanted to increase the license fees on out-of-state elk hunters," he said, "we'd have to have a statewide election."
It is not unusual to see a whole party of elk hunters going about camp in this fashion after a twenty-mile horseback ride into the mountains.
"Most of them are elk hunters and folks that farm the back roads."