The Quadrifoil in its original design became known as the 'Classic' - the kite was rectangular in shape in contrast to today's more elliptical designs.
It has an extension of nine hectares in an elliptical design.
The new portals no longer bore the distinctive elliptical design of Crozet's original, but had vertical sides and a semi-circular arch.
Its styling theme of curves and rounded edges is a less dramatic take on the Taurus's extreme elliptical design.
The oldest elliptical design is the "rear drive" type.
First, it is apparently the only parkway in New York City to carry an elliptical black-on-white design for its trailblazer.
Therefore, small, elliptical designs are often chosen by experienced canopy pilots for the thrilling flying they provide.
To fit within the old space the new boilers were of elliptical design.
Behind this an overall roof of elliptical design once existed.
It also ignores Poland's tradition of surreal posters, those dark and elliptical designs created to befuddle Communist censors.