That there are few eloquent passages in the correspondence should not be surprising.
In the play's most eloquent passage, Ms. Vogel lets Stephen explain the significance of such breathing, and it has to do with death as well as life.
Harland Cleveland has written an eloquent passage that 194 / Megatrends.
Here is a brief and eloquent passage:
"Science," he writes in one of many eloquent passages, "meant for me the most elevating form of revolt against the incoherence of the universe."
Its most eloquent passages are damning in one way or another.
Let me cite one of the most eloquent contemporary passages on human freedom.
The implication--borne out by the eloquent passage about exile later in the chapter--is that leaving one's civilization is a death of sorts.
Sometimes Mr. McCourt would read particularly eloquent passages of text to the class, making the words sing.
In a sad and eloquent passage, Julius suggests that perhaps it is sane to be solipsistic: