They seemed the most eloquent emotional response.
President Clinton gave precisely such an affirmation three years ago, with his eloquent and powerful response to the Oklahoma City bombing.
Montgomery looked startled at the eloquent response.
Although likely embarrassed, she gave an eloquent response stating that it was a mistake.
What more eloquent response to the epidemic of irrationality than the play many assumedly know, more need to find and everyone has an obligation to remember?
Indiana's fifth championship, under conditions vastly different from the two previous triumphs under Knight, provided his most eloquent response.
After Sept. 11, 2001, dramatists began groping for an appropriately eloquent response.
Blackwell's eloquent response not only made Webster admit her to the lecture, but also elevated the previously obscene and vulgar nature of the lectures.
"Tékitoi" is among the most eloquent musical responses to that day and its aftermath, certainly the most explicit to emerge from the Arab world.
An eloquent response, Ronke's work illuminates the 'female condition' with simplicity, sympathy and wit.