In later days, a very poor exile, he gave a most eloquent tribute to Charles's merits.
Then I saw Carth there, and his expression was eloquent tribute.
In a sense, though, that simple act of recreating is a pretty eloquent tribute to yesterday's union members.
Instead, Balanchine's choreography becomes an eloquent tribute to all troubled spirits and the companions who provide them with solace.
His last recordings bear eloquent tribute to this 'immoderate passion for life'.
Al delivered the eulogy, a loving and eloquent tribute to the father, the man, and the public servant.
All the same, "Budapest 1900" is a special book - an eloquent tribute to a city by an urbane man of letters.
It also included eloquent tributes to the equal-rights protections afforded by the state and Federal constitutions.
Nevertheless, because every sight and sound in it mattered, this austere work became an eloquent tribute to people who survive in a wilderness.
He had earlier penned one of the most eloquent tributes ever expressed by one composer about another.