Now the elusive bird has made another documented appearance, this one brief and serendipitous.
Mongabay: Animal photos of the day: the most elusive bird in the world?
This includes one of the country's most elusive and beautiful birds, the endangered resplendent quetzal.
They are fairly elusive birds, but it appears that their numbers may be declining due to loss of winter habitat.
As with other member in the genus, this elusive bird is shy and very wary.
It is considered by birdwatchers to be one of the world's most elusive birds.
They are fairly quiet and elusive birds which generally keep to dense cover.
Trained volunteers were directing them in using telescopes to spot the elusive birds.
Recent studies however have contributed to the gathering of further information on this elusive bird of prey.
It is a shy and elusive bird, more often heard than seen.