Ms. Cantwell specializes in the elusive presence of the first Indian inhabitants.
Raul remains an elusive presence, his economy and intelligence of movement testament to a career spent in the game's most rarefied atmospheres.
Bolan would track down the elusive presence of the Boss, the man the Executioner had originally come all this way to kill.
It was a strong presence, powerful but elusive, with fluctuating attributes that reminded him of his time inside the Madness Maze.
The figure merges with the shadows, resisting our efforts to define his elusive presence.
I always leave out aspects when I try to describe this elusive presence I have been studying all my life.
The most elusive presence is that of Boudin, Monet's teacher in the 1850's.
I followed the wolf's elusive presence down into a ravine.
Among the players in Indonesia's grand political drama this week, the army has been an elusive presence.
It is a large, elusive presence in modern opera; it deserves scrutiny and the opportunity was there.