For its part, the wolf is an elusive species which avoids human interaction.
You're hiking through a gorgeous state park when an elusive species of wildlife draws you off the beaten path.
Tracking enables the detection of rare, endangered, and elusive species.
Large or small, they have struggled to find what has become perhaps the state's most elusive species: the resident looking for work.
I felt like a naturalist mounting elusive species of butterflies side by side under glass.
These techniques may be especially important for the study of rare or elusive species that are especially difficult to monitor in other ways.
It has been used in organic chemistry as a precursor for cyclobutadiene, which is an elusive species in the free state.
A greater area with more populations would create a larger gene pool and help ensure the survival of this elusive species.
You're hiking through a gorgeous and serene state park when your gaze falls on an elusive species of wildlife off in the distance.