At the conclusion of Manson's three-month hiatus the band embarked on a year of writing and development of the material.
In 2008, with label-mate D-Code, Nerm embarked on a 2 year run on BBC Radio 1 featuring a range of underground music.
AS automakers gather here this week for the North American International Auto Show, they embark on a year that promises to challenge even the strongest among them.
In 2010, KDB embarked on a three year strategic plan to enhance and grow its service to the community with programming that will enrich the lives of those who listen.
Pataki embarked on a year long process to select a new running mate for lieutenant governor.
The production embarked on a two-and-a-half year worldwide tour.
Or that he was about to embark on a year in which he had to plan a wedding, set up their household, and prepare for a baby?
The central character, Martin, is a 16-year-old boy who, just before embarking on a year in Switzerland, orchestrates a meeting between his long-estranged parents, in a wrenching attempt to bring them back together.
In April 2008, The Ocean embarked on a year long tour through Europe and North America with bands like Intronaut, Opeth, and At The Gates.
Merchant embarked on a year and a half world tour to promote Motherland.