If he had, could he pass it off as an embarrassing accident?
His opponent moved out of the way, causing an embarrassing and painful accident.
When they weaken, the result is a loss of bladder control and embarrassing accidents that can occur at random and inopportune moments.
Before I have an embarrassing accident.
Bladder instability often leads to the need to run for the bathroom, or to embarrassing accidents when urine leaks out without warning.
They can prevent embarrassing accidents, simplify your life, and increase your confidence.
I was damned if I would let my morning's success be blotted out by an embarrassing accident.
A . . . very embarrassing accident with an automated plasma arc.
Even apart from that embarrassing accident, the return to Earth had not been easy.
Up came an excess of Indian food from the scout's throat; a hammerlock forcing the huge enemy head down toward his embarrassing accident did the rest.