This minute examination of his front lawn was not getting me any closer to dealing with my embarrassing behavior or the woman in Morrison's bed.
There are many disputes between him and his housemates because of his tactical and embarrassing behavior but he is very popular with the audience.
"We have established tough, specific guidelines to send a clear message that abusive and embarrassing behavior will not be tolerated."
After returning home, he finds Marge angry with him for his embarrassing behavior at the cook-off.
I enjoyed a few, too, before succumbing to embarrassing American behavior.
The girl found the old man's behavior silly and embarrassing.
By now, embarrassing behavior by the Bush administration at international meetings on women, health and the environment has become almost routine.
For young children, like the one with the unorthodox greeting for her father, there is seldom if ever any malice in their embarrassing behaviors.
They also abuse the permitted exceptions, using them to hide embarrassing behavior.
This can help you avoid embarrassing behavior during manic episodes and set realistic goals for treatment.