Osotsapa would also take part but would find the going tough and would crash out in embarrassing circumstances in the group stage.
It was a bitterly disappointing time for Mr McLeish - to rise so high and fall so quickly and in such embarrassing circumstances.
Jones I met a little later under embarrassing circumstances, for he was engaged in trying to bribe the bedroom steward to swop our cabins.
Especially in view of the embarrassing circumstance that his first-born was a girl and not a boy.
After this incident, the SS authorities began a secret investigation into the conduct of the army officer who had dared defy them under such embarrassing circumstances.
A murder occurs under embarrassing circumstances, and Leonidas forms a motley crew of assistants together in order to track down clues, chase around the town, and solve the mystery.
In the morning Dietricht would be dead, the circumstances so embarrassing no one would care to elaborate on them except in whispers.
I had a sufficiently hard time with that tale, because it changed itself from a farce to a tragedy while I was going along with it--a most embarrassing circumstance.
While Claybourne was phoning the police and bellowing for rapid service, Cranston did the polite thing under these embarrassing circumstances.
After Hillary Rodham Clinton had campaigned gamely under embarrassing circumstances, she was given command of the effort.