Simpson began to do a silly, impromtu jig when she realized the embarrassing error, but then left the stage.
Excel 4.0 makes both tasks quick and less prone to embarrassing errors, and has to be the best on the market today.
While the trains were being assembled, Amtrak discovered an embarrassing error, one that would provide fodder for late-night talk shows.
"Do you make embarrassing errors in pronunciation, spelling, grammar, word usage?"
Google Translate is a big step up from the earlier, more primitive translation websites, but the potential for bizarre and embarrassing errors remains.
Stung by this embarrassing error, he keeps his deductions to himself for the remainder of the case.
96 This was an extremely embarrassing error about missile technology.
Wikipedia has lately suffered some embarrassing errors and a taste of fraud.
American military officials have sometimes failed to acknowledge such costly and embarrassing errors in past conflicts.
I knew I'd make an uncharacteristic and embarrassing error.