Instead it was Rick Perry who stole the show with an embarrassing gaffe.
Cultural competence may be an idea whose time has come, and Ms. Tong has already spared the hospital at least one embarrassing gaffe.
With continued weak performances in preferred Prime Minister opinion polls, 2006 was punctuated by a number of embarrassing gaffes from the opposition leader.
Richler also apologized for the incident and called it an "embarrassing gaffe".
He is less socially skilled, and frequently commits embarrassing gaffes in public.
Last year, a series of embarrassing gaffes and shortcomings undermined the faith of potential computer users in the certainty that their data are secure.
Mr. O'Neill had an irrepressible sense of humor and loved to talk about big ideas, but his candor led to embarrassing gaffes.
Kemp had several embarrassing gaffes on the base paths during the season and was caught stealing 15 times.
I'm on my way to a summer garden with no embarrassing gaffes to testify that I don't really know what I'm doing.
But the Mets' most embarrassing gaffe came in the fifth inning.