And a bright young dancer, Juditka Hoenig, earned well-deserved applause when she acted her way through an embarrassing mishap with her costume.
He and the Red Queen had toiled ceaselessly under the marshal glare of the Jabberwocky, even through the embarrassing mishap with Michael Leonforte.
Its managers have a history of overlooking their responsibility to notify the public promptly about embarrassing mishaps.
Tomorrow he would fly to the outlying medical shelters and, for the first time since his embarrassing mishap with the mating Cromsaggar, view the situation for himself.
The prosecutors, who acknowledged the embarrassing and potentially dangerous mishap with the classified reports in court documents made public last week, went along with Mr. Moussaoui's request for a delay.
Despite incessant, embarrassing mishaps by the candidate, he wins the election.
But the program became embroiled in several highly publicized and embarrassing mishaps in the early 1990's after some inmates were charged with removing the devices and committing crimes.
Asked if he was sorry he did not try the technique in 1996, he recalled his embarrassing mishap at an event in California.
I've never really understood her open admiration of me, but it had stood firm through some of my most embarrassing mishaps and made it easy for me to confide in her.
Furthermore, memories of embarrassing mishap at George IV's Westminster Hall banquet were still fresh; uproar having resulted when, at the end of the proceedings, people tried to obtain valuable tableware as souvenirs.