Justice Minister Sten Wickbom resigned today to take responsibility for the embarrassingly easy escape this month of Sweden's most notorious spy.
So, while I had to admit that the trains did indeed run on time, I was forced to take on some embarrassingly easy targets.
I was discovering what one reader meant when he wrote, Its embarrassingly easy to have a good time here.
A task that looked to have been embarrassingly easy.
Finding the right cherries initially proved tough, then embarrassingly easy.
It's embarrassingly easy to get a duplicate license here.
A "gut" is what many students call a course that is embarrassingly easy, either because the course work is a breeze or there just isn't much of it.
February 9- Carlos Monzón retains the world's Middleweight title with an embarrassingly easy seventh round knockout over world Welterweight champion José Nápoles in Paris, France.
Picking up Rex Cochran had been embarrassingly easy.
It has become embarrassingly easy to trash Handley about his strategies, his apparent inability to motivate his players and his petulant snits with the news media.