Recently, the embassy reported, these assaults have become more violent.
Shortly after the final episode ended, the embassy reported that it had received over 400 phone calls and love letters from fans from all over the country.
The embassy "strenuously denied" the reports, and a spokesman for Buckingham Palace reported that no formal request had been made.
The embassies reported receiving "hundreds of emails".
Other Western embassies report a similar cooling among foreign companies.
However, the Iranian embassy in Abu Dhabi reported that "everything was fine."
According to these officials, questions were first raised in the 1970's, when other embassies in Moscow reported having discovered such devices.
On July 16, Western embassies in the capital reported that the army had killed 46 men of Isaak origin on a beach outside the capital.
Several embassies reported the heaviest fighting over the last week took place near Kandahar and in the northern city of Kunduz.
Our embassy in New York reported they were being closely watched by American agents," Tao noted.