The novel was mainly aimed at the embattled Catholic minority in England.
People in every camp ended up feeling like members of an embattled minority.
They see themselves as an embattled minority.
Are these theorists using an academic discipline to support an embattled minority, or are they using that minority's struggle to prop up Derrida?
The novel was mainly aimed at the embattled Catholic minority in England, who had recently emerged from a half-illegal status.
In the 1990s, evolutionary psychology was treated as a fringe theory, and evolutionary psychologists depicted themselves as an embattled minority.
What once could be defended as a rare protection for an embattled minority has become a regular partisan expedient.
Bryan's populism was the politics of an embattled minority, the last cry of Western small farmers.
At least for the moment, however, he seems to be in an embattled minority.
It's true that oil-on-canvas loyalists can sometimes seem like an embattled minority.