The Sword of Shannara had beer; embedded blade downward in a block of red marble and placed in a vault beneath the protective span of me Bridge of Sendic, the old legends told.
Mouth dry, she watched as he set the knife in the fire, carefully protecting the embedded blade by laying the cook pot over it.
As Sarah turned the embedded blade and the Klingon jerked yet again, the commodore was certain he saw something new in the prisoner's eyes.
The demon could not bear to grasp it and tear it free, though the embedded blade, its magic quelching the fires it had been wrought to destroy, was surely winning the conflict.
Bruenor yanked back on his axe, but the embedded blade didn't disengage and he wound up hoisting the limp goblin right over his shoulder.
Mr. Maciunas, who lived in the basement of the co-op while organizing others, ultimately embedded blades in his door so that no one could pound on it.
Working the embedded blade free, he brushed aside the cloven halves before pausing in his work to watch his visitors approach.
The deeply embedded blade tore out through bone and flesh and metal, and as it did so the two rear cabled arms dropped useless.
I yanked my hand back without thinking; the embedded blade split its flesh like a fin through water.
I have an almost perfect handprint right here, where someone braced to take out a deeply embedded blade.