Geragos also represented McDougal in a 12-count embezzlement trial in Los Angeles in which the jury returned a not-guilty verdict.
Porter's anecdotes were entertaining - like the one about fleeing to Honduras to avoid the embezzlement trial - and Dr. Singh felt almost inspired.
An article in Business Day on Nov. 18 about testimony from a former lawyer for Tyco International in the embezzlement trial of two former executives misspelled her name.
The embezzlement trial of Sanjar Umarov, a businessman who is the chairman of the opposition group the Sunshine Coalition, began in Tashkent, Human Rights Watch reported.
After her release, her embezzlement trial in California began.
At his embezzlement trial, he simply said, 'The true judgment for me is that of the people, who have long absolved me in their hearts.'
He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and died in Dallas, Texas, at the age of 46, while he was testifying in an embezzlement trial.
The NYT and LAT fronts report on the jury's acquittal on all charges yesterday of Susan McDougal in her California fraud and embezzlement trial.
Mr. Perez's experience so unnerved his predecessor as President, Jaime Lusinchi, who also faced an embezzlement trial, that on July 23 he slipped out of the country on a yacht.
After years of delays and legal wrangling, jury selection began today in Susan H. McDougal's embezzlement trial in a Santa Monica courthouse.