Mrs Pygling was, in fact, a lonely and embittered woman.
Her only living relative is her mother Delia, a sick and embittered woman.
The key to it all is an embittered woman whose unsuspecting knowledge of a lethal involvement makes her especially vulnerable.
"No." If the other two were called away, he could talk to this embittered woman, and make her talk to him.
Once she had come back to Wiesbaden, the embittered woman pursued the case doggedly and forcefully.
You're an embittered woman, for more cause than you know right now.
The embittered woman will only let him stay if he agrees to move in as a hired hand.
Soon you will be an embittered woman with revenge against life driving you.
She was, he thought, a beautiful, embittered woman, no more than his own age.
A hard embittered young woman that no wanted to be friends with anymore.