They can be pre-manufactured and specified with embossed patterns or other designs.
Holes had been bored through the intricate embossed patterns of the lid.
An embossed pattern is raised against the background, while a debossed pattern is sunken into the surface of the material (but might protrude somewhat on the reverse, back side).
He examined the gold piece with the detachment of a coin collector, running admiring fingers over the embossed pattern of runes and symbols.
In 1940, the company introduced the hand-painted embossed pattern Franciscan Apple, and in 1941 Desert Rose.
There was no evidence of color-coding on the cables, but the sheathing carried various embossed and inset patterns that performed the same function for technicians who felt but could not see.
The womenfolk are deft in making embossed floral patterns on the walls of the house.
A grill on a postage stamp is an embossed pattern of small indentations intended to discourage postage stamp reuse.
An elegant birdcage with embossed patterns has the aura of an "Arabian Nights" palace.