But it gave way to a witty scene in which, after embracing passionately, they made pseudo-intellectual comments about their affair.
The couple embraces passionately on the platform as the train pulls out.
Leaving his briefcase, Traynor stepped around the table and passionately embraced her.
She meets Leon in a hotel room and they embrace passionately, telling each other how miserable they've been all week.
This motivated her to passionately embrace and connect with acting at a very young age.
The two lovers embrace passionately for the first time.
In the end, Sam and Diane passionately embrace in the office.
Nearing the end of their trip, she makes the first overt advances, and they embrace passionately.
The two passionately embrace, yet again getting back together.
Brigitta overhears, looks at the Major, and they suddenly embrace passionately.