The grandfather, in a copper-colored robe and orange embroidered cap, nodded to the men around him to open the coffin.
She wears a sheer apron or overskirt, a falling ruff, and an embroidered cap with lace trim.
Under the caul is a close-fitting embroidered cap, keeping the hair off the forehead.
Their embroidered caps, shredded with shrapnel, lay beside a half-dozen small rubber galoshes and caked pools of blood.
Somaliland's climate is mainly hot so many men wear an embroidered cap known as koofiyad.
Her long hair is confined in a small embroidered cap and then wrapped in a long tail down her back.
An old man in an embroidered Muslim cap and djellaba, who is missing his lower front teeth, holds it up for inspection.
They were dressed well, with satin baseball jackets and embroidered peaked caps.
The kanzu is always worn with a kofia, a small embroidered cap.
On their heads were little green embroidered caps and on their feet pretty little matching Turkish slippers with the points turned up.