His legs were in black satin pajamas and the upper part of him in an embroidered Chinese coat.
He had told her he would buy her new, but she refused to leave the embroidered coats and breeches behind.
Beneath the heavy embroidered coat, Belisarius suspected, lay a very muscular frame.
He glided out of the crowd, swishing the embroidered coat around him like a small cape.
He ran his gloved hand up across Alexei's shoulder, and pulled something from the stiff material of the embroidered coat.
He was digging in a pocket of his embroidered red coat.
Breathing hard, he went up on his toes, but the street was a river of embroidered cloaks, embroidered coats and dresses.
"His wives must have worked hard and long over these," said Thais, running a hand over an embroidered coat.
The hair in short curls, the embroidered blue coat and breeches were wrong, but the face was right.
I would have put a stop to it if the man in the embroidered coat had not kept looking over his shoulder to admire your hips.