Late period jackets acquired a much more elaborate label with an embroidered design and the "Polar Gear" identity.
With deft strokes, he smoothly finished some surfaces, embroidered baroque designs on others.
If that sounds too feminine, how about a silk bag with a whimsical embroidered design?
The embroidered design is based on the natural beauty of the area.
She chose dark green; the top had an embroidered design of flowers and swirls.
Most surviving examples were not used for clothes and feature very large woven or embroidered designs.
It had an embroidered design upon the chest.
A thick apron with embroidered designs could be worn as well, and their color and detailed patterns are often the main focus of the costume.
Some apply embroidered designs, others rhinestones, still others stitch patches over holes they have just cut.
They were accented with intricate patterns and dazzling embroidered designs.