Visitors can take a free tour of sewing, crafts and tie-dye classes, and purchase reasonably priced items such as patchwork products, embroidered purses and cute children's clothes at the on-site boutique.
Tomas added an embroidered purse to be carried at the belt.
The shop of the fashion designer Gonul Paksoy (Atiye Sokak 6A, Tesvikiye; 90-212-261-9081) sells handmade velvet slippers, silk overcoats, embroidered purses and tribal-style jewelry.
Stroll the stalls and pick up everything from a cheap dinner of steamed dumplings to fresh flowers and embroidered purses.
At H & M, the Swedish-based youth-oriented bargain retailer, Karen Belva, a spokeswoman, said that sales of embroidered purses, wide belts and beaded jewelry were soaring.
She picks up an embroidered purse.
And the appeal of the American Girls Collection goes beyond the easily read books, well-made dolls and elaborate accessories (tiny tea sets, embroidered purses and "Dress Like Your Doll" matching outfits).
The various nobles drew forth tiny embroidered purses from the interior of their robes.
His mother left him with an embroidered purse that contains a treasure map.
During the visit, Louis and Charles had had a satirical puppet show put on for their guests, and after this Isabella had given new embroidered purses both to her brothers and to their wives.