At the turn of the 20th Century there were several local embroidery shops.
She listed a string of neighborhood businesses that have closed recently, including a kosher butcher, a card shop and a "lovely little embroidery shop."
Standing outside his embroidery shop on West Front Street, Mr. Yarczower, 63, looked shocked as he spoke cautiously about the local politicians.
Two years later the company opened its own embroidery shop.
The owner of a local embroidery shop still makes Maroons T-shirts and distributes them to residents and fans.
The signs showed pictures of finished garments, or in one case, just a very bright golden needle against a brown background, which she suspected indicated an embroidery shop.
Until recently, there was an embroidery shop that also sold cosmetics.
The society runs an embroidery shop, a bakery and coffee shop, and formerly an internet cafe.
DyAnne Henry, 49, who owns an embroidery shop, In Stitches, said the stock market was a lot like life.
That night, we walked to the embroidery shop, on a boardwalk on the far side of a dusty parade field.