I did all the embroidery work on the faces when they were still flat.
Women's groups in particular were provided with start-up capital, with many of them choosing to go into embroidery work.
"Women here were always dependent on men, and had to ask for our money," said a village woman who now sells embroidery work.
Upon her husband's death, Mary did embroidery work and gave painting lessons to support her three children.
Fine embroidery work was added to enhance the intricate patterns.
Both incised and relief, they look like embroidery work done in ivory.
Women may not set foot on the holy mountain, but some of their work is present in superb embroidery work.
I would like to begin the embroidery work.
Some people believe designs have been passed down through families, as with weaving and embroidery work.
He became well known for his embroidery work throughout the French high fashion houses in Paris.