Other times, he bangs his head against a frozen wall of guilt emerging from his past, which he truly regrets but cannot change.
In later months stories began to emerge from Ildefonso's past, including a run in with the border patrol, which explains Ildefonso's anxiety around the color green.
Now another figure has emerged from Mr. Pellicano's past, someone with a story of her own to tell, and perhaps even to sell.
After a long and bloody civil war that has decimated more than half of its population, Mogadishu, the war-ravaged capital of Somalia, is finally emerging from its miserable past.
Given that, the Rangers seemed certain to emerge from their recent troubled past, at least to some degree.
Strasbourg This intellectual, cultural, and economic center has emerged handsome, if not unscathed, from its turbulent past.
In preparation for the elections that took place at the beginning of November, all around us were the workings of the democracy that has emerged from Nicaragua's troubled past.
At the beginning of this period, when the United States was just emerging from its colonial past, the agricultural landscape of New England was defined overwhelmingly by subsistence farming.
Dark shadows keep emerging from George Bush's past.
Another beneficiary of Beatrix's generosity had emerged from her hidden past and sat now smiling faintly at Charlotte across a French drawing room.