Any other man of his age would have emerged showing physical scars of dissipation, but not Mark Antony.
There is evidence beginning to emerge showing that exposing children to storybooks lays a good foundation for their learning and education.
Mr. Mpagi emerged from prison in July 2000 showing surprisingly little bitterness.
"A whole body of research emerged showing the vulnerability of food companies to threat of lawsuits and legislation," she said.
But no evidence emerged from interviews showing that they had done so in dealing with Ms. Jones's lawsuit.
Sure enough, three letters quickly emerged showing that he had sought to help New Jersey companies that had contributed to his campaigns.
A leaked memo subsequently emerged showing he had, in Hodge's words, "shaken hands on a deal on their tax affairs".
A body of data is emerging showing that enhancing the feeling of being in control of one's life has positive health benefits.
But as the numbers emerge showing that organics can be profitable, she said, more farmers are turning out at her organization's conferences.
Walton emerged from the locker room with his face showing the effort of holding back his rage and tears of frustration.