When severity of disease was controlled for in the analysis, a pattern emerged suggesting greater levels of satisfaction amongst loratadine dissatisfied patients who converted to desloratadine.
New evidence also emerged on Wednesday suggesting that more attacks could have been planned.
Reports are beginning to emerge from both France and Germany suggesting that the recession may have hit bottom.
Patients' stories are emerging suggesting that the response from some private providers has been completely inadequate.
In both conditions the usual asymmetry emerged suggesting that factors associated with verbal output do not determine the advantage for the right ear.
- Reports emerge suggesting Gaddafi's daughter Hana, who he claimed was killed in a US air strike in 1986, is alive.
Even before it happened, evidence emerged suggesting that whoever was behind the attacks may have been plotting a series of them, including more bombings still to come.
Also in 1993, documentation emerged suggesting that some Reagan administration officials could have known about El Mozote and other human rights violations from the beginning.
But, over the summer, evidence has continued to emerge suggesting "health" may not be the sure-fire electoral asset which Labour has long assumed.
Erroneous media reports emerged suggesting Silva could return to Spain and cited homesickness and difficulty to adapt to the English game.