Doctors at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center performed an emergency angioplasty which saved Popper's life: he had 95% arterial blockage.
He underwent a successful emergency angioplasty at Hahnemann University Hospital and was released on March 9, 2008.
Originally thought to be a pinched nerve in his shoulder, the pain was later diagnosed as an acutely blocked coronary artery, requiring an emergency angioplasty in Hamburg.
He later underwent a successful emergency angioplasty.
In 2007, Faxton St. Luke's Healthcare began performing emergency coronary angioplasties and in 2010 began elective angioplasties.
If an artery is badly blocked, I know I may need emergency angioplasty or surgery.
It is now common medical practice for patients who suffer heart attacks to undergo emergency angioplasty and insertion of one or more stents.
Overlook is one of five New Jersey hospitals approved to provide emergency angioplasty in a community hospital setting.
He underwent an emergency angioplasty and began to breathe on appliances.
The cause was complications of emergency angioplasty, The Associated Press reported.