Jamieson looked at him and switched on an emergency lamp.
She walked on toward the harsh blue glow coming from two police emergency lamps set beside the overturned car.
Matt and the others reached the final stairs to the street without finding any lighting other than the occasional emergency lamps.
The emergency lamps were still glowing, and he also had the suit's built-in light to guide him.
In the light of the last emergency lamp be could see the second partition wall which was only 10 feet away.
The hard, yellow light from an emergency lamp painted his face in bright relief against the cold darkness around him.
The last figure moved again, passing just beneath one of the emergency lamps.
A door opened, and we entered a large room badly lit by several emergency lamps.
Lane looked sick, positively green in the eerie light of the emergency lamps.
The air was filled with smoke, and the only light came from the blue glow of emergency lamps.