This perpetual friction slowed down the lawmaking process, producing constant delays in adopting laws by Parliament, and forced the Cabinet to resort to "emergency ordinances" to speed it up.
BHC Company asked municipalities to enact emergency ordinances that would make it illegal not to follow the recommendations for water conservation.
In November 1931 Bavarian authorities used new emergency ordinances relating to political disturbances to confiscate and ban Watch Tower Society literature.
Upon winning confirmation, Ponta pledged to reduce the number of emergency ordinances issued by the government and to assist Parliament in exercising control over the cabinet.
Palo Alto, the heart of Silicon Valley, has enacted an emergency ordinance banning companies from setting up in street-level retail spaces.
These efforts mainly consisted of a potential emergency ordinance that would ban alcohol on beaches surrounding the seaside enclave.
But state wildlife officials say a better solution is to bear-proof the Sierra City dump, harass the food foragers and pass an emergency ordinance making it unlawful to feed the bears.
Mayor Archer hopes his new emergency ordinances will dissuade protesters from even showing up.
A second possible solution is for the government to repeal the text of article 5 (2) on participation requirements through an emergency ordinance.
The Romanian Government has issued an emergency ordinance banning dozens of such substances.