As a student of ciphers, he mentioned among his enthusiasts many eminent gentlemen and "great princes".
Complimentary round-trip tickets have been tendered to General Butler, Mr. Shepherd, Mr. Richardson, and other eminent gentlemen, whose public services have entitled them to the rest and relaxation of a voyage of this kind.
We need a list of the mandarins and other eminent gentlemen connected to the tea ring, and I also need every bit of information I can find about the peculiar cages Ox and I have described.
I want to confer with an eminent gentleman, and on the way over I even bothered to compose a document making it official.
While he was still unknown and unregarded, he had begun to petition members of the Government and other eminent gentlemen tor the removal of these vagabond magicians.
Oh, I say, Currie," Vance addressed him; "an eminent gentleman has just been murdered in the neighborhood, and I am going to view the body.
The new bond between them, thought the bishop, fluttering with excitement over the visit, had brought this eminent gentleman so far out of his way.
The idea for the Halifax Choral Society (initially called Halifax Quarterly Choral Society) was first mooted in 1817 by founder William Priestley, an eminent local musician, antiquary and literary gentleman.
He succeeded in obtaining the necessary information from an eminent medical gentleman.
For Binks was a plant collector, sending his finds to several eminent gentlemen in the Darlington area who paid him for his keen eyes and diligent legwork.