The first thing to cut is the emissions generated and released as a result of all these jet travels.
At present we import historically large quantities of products which generate emissions in other countries.
Presently, and up to 2012, around 90-95% of the credits are allocated to those who generate most emissions.
Some solid waste sent to landfill also generates emissions.
Use - does the product consume energy and water when operated, or does it generate emissions?
After all, the "fuel" is free and sustainable, and the process does not generate pollution or emissions.
Mining, cleaning, and transporting coal to the power plant generate additional emissions.
But even the relatively modest penetration implied by the state mandates could generate large-scale emissions.
The carbon project will result in a greenhouse gas emission reduction which can be used to offset the excess emissions generated by the polluter.
The reduction of emissions generated by transport, which is responsible for 70% of the urban pollution, shall contribute to the air quality improvement.