For example, it might well be that the emissions from hospital incinerators result in a certain number of deaths per year.
But what are the emissions resulting from the production of the hydrogen or methanol?
Mechanoluminescence is light emission resulting from any mechanical action on a solid.
For example, a manufacturing business only measures and manages the emissions resulting from the production of their range of goods.
We are concentrating on emissions resulting from the energy used by our paper manufacturers, which represents by far the biggest element.
However, Resources for the Future, an environmental research group, recently reported that the emissions trading actually results in lower levels of sulfur in the Northeast.
Spontaneous emission from can result in an atom being in this dark state or another coherent state, known as a bright state.
The optical emissions result from the excitation of atmospheric atoms and molecules by electrons that have been accelerated in the plasma turbulence.
Gaseous emissions and surfactants resulting from the decay of the logs can cause the foamy wake reported in some sightings.
Natural emissions of N2O primarily result from bacterial breakdown of nitrogen in soils and in the earth's oceans.