This is hardly difficult, considering emissions vary enormously between handsets.
The light emissions from the tablet varied from 5 lux to over 50 lux.
As time passed, Covington and his colleagues realized that the Sun's emission at 10.7 cm wavelength was varying, which was unexpected.
Such barriers do not always exist in Western Europe, where emissions and safety standards vary by country.
The emission current density J varies from position to position across the emitter surface.
This table shows how emissions can vary enormously depending on the distance flown:
The emissions associated with atmospheric stabilization varies among different GHGs.
These emissions vary from day to day, season to season and with changes in the amount of airflow within the residence.
The X-ray luminosity is about 1 x 10 ergs/sec and the emission varies with the pulsation period, suggesting a connection with the pulsation process.
Among different indirect FT synthetic fuels production technologies, potential emissions of greenhouse gasses vary greatly.