Barring some big breakthrough in clean-energy technology, this rapid growth in developing countries threatens to make the emissions problem unsolvable.
How much of the emissions problem is being exported from UK to China?
Still, the public's resistance to nuclear power and the emissions problems that arise from burning coal make it doubtful that oil will disappear in electric generation.
However, nothing works completely theoretical, so we have emissions problems.
Mr. Kawamoto and Honda engineers said the engine's new combustion system had solved the emissions problem.
The rotary's emissions problem was mentioned with no specifics.
That solves the emissions problem, but adds to energy costs because it takes more heat to evaporate water than the more volatile organics.
Of course, none of us believes that this development alone is the answer to the emissions problem but it does represent a significant step in the right direction.
That is why it is so important for the EU to get to the heart of the emissions problem, i.e. the actual increases in emissions.
At most, electric cars solve the emissions problem.