The range in temperature projections partly reflects (1) the choice of emissions scenario, and (2) the "climate sensitivity".
Global sea levels could rise by 6.8 metres by the 31st century under a high emissions scenario.
There are significant doubts about some aspects of the IPCCs emissions scenario exercise, in particular, the high emissions scenarios.
Under a high emissions scenario, the maximum body weight most fish species reach could decline by up to a quarter by 2050.
SRES developed emissions scenarios to project climate-change impacts.
The report provides assessment of observed Australian climate changes and causes, and projections for 2030 and 2070, under a range of emissions scenarios.
Overall global GDP will grow by a factor of between 5-25 in the emissions scenarios.
These emissions scenarios are organized into families, which contain scenarios that are similar to each other in some respects.
No- that depends on emissions scenarios.
Coal use is continued to rise in all but the most aggressive emissions scenarios, with China using about half of the global supply.