The emotions raised by the events quickly led to considerable confusion in the media and Stormont about just who did what.
She is also a very emotional person, who values relationships, and sometimes, her emotions lead her to take wrong decisions.
Write down the times when your emotions lead to eating (see Food diary).
Depression, guilt, and conflicting emotions about your body all can lead to bad sexual experiences.
Or... did feeling those emotions lead to expressing them with more emotion?
For Fredrickson, this was evidence that positive emotions lead to broader thinking.
"Iraqis are sentimental and their emotions lead them to follow those who pretend to be religious."
Compromise amendments have now been drawn up, and tomorrow's vote will show whether or not emotion leads the way.
Boston carried that emotion into the game, and Parish led the way.
These emotions can also lead to greater self-awareness which may be seen as satisfying to those in open relationships.