But there is no emotional affect to this or to any of their other moves during the hourlong dance.
Cultural criminology also studies the role of emotional affect in crime.
And art objects can have such emotional affect that they are sometimes defaced or defamed, or, conversely, seen as depictions of faith.
Lack of emotional response, diminished emotional affect.
Reynolds is negotiating with sound directly and exploring alternative methods of achieving emotional affect to make an old structure contemporary and personal.
Other research suggests that it does not relate to the heartbeat directly, but rather the speed of emotional affect, which also influences heartbeat.
The prosody of an utterance is used by listeners to guide decisions about the emotional affect of the situation.
The emotional affect that stays with me is one of serenity, security.
Certain cuts were used to foster a specific psychological and emotional affect from the audience members.
"There's no dramatist who uses the exclamation mark with more abandon, and none who tells us more about what the emotional affect should be," he said.