Film critic Steven Jay Schneider suggests the film continues to be popular due not only to its star power but also the "emotional crescendos" engendered in the storyline.
As her scene builds slowly in an emotional crescendo, she stops reading abruptly.
But the choreography follows too closely the music's emotional crescendos, gloriously rendered by Jessica Jones, a member of the Houston Grand Opera Studio.
All that duality does not lend itself to a smooth narrative or an emotional crescendo.
There also are times when the soundtrack music hails an emotional crescendo that only it recognizes.
His voice rose in an emotional crescendo.
The book's emotional crescendo comes with a beautiful speech near the end of the debate by Lippert, who'd stayed quiet for most of the process to give fellow legislators time to make up their mind.
Many visitors sob openly at the museum's emotional crescendo: the final letters to family and official portraits of soft-faced uniformed kamikaze pilots who stare blankly forward.
He called the song's recording "the most amazing studio experience I've ever had", and he believes the "emotional crescendo" heard in the song properly captures how they felt as they improvised the piece.
As novelists go, he's not a long-ball hitter; his sentences rarely build to intellectual or emotional crescendos.