After the funeral, Osamu Dazai, his friend and fellow writer, published an emotional eulogy blaming the critics for Oda's sudden death.
In an emotional eulogy that brought tears to the eyes of thousands of fans outside, Keating cried as he said Gately had found perfect peace.
Upon Joseph Stalin's death, he wrote an emotional eulogy about him in Al HaMishmar.
At Jack's funeral, Mike delivers an emotional eulogy in celebration of Jack's life, which inspires a standing ovation from friends and family in attendance.
At Blanche's funeral, she is happy to see Tracy and gives an emotional eulogy paying tribute to her mother's unique character.
Gwent begins an emotional eulogy, but is unable to finish.
She had heard the emotional eulogies delivered by family members and friends.
Warrick's funeral is held a few days later and Grissom delivers an emotional eulogy, saying that he will miss him "so much".
In the middle of the show Bono delivered an emotional eulogy to Brood before the band performed "In a Little While".
As Moss stood in front of the chapel, he fought through his emotional eulogy, pausing to gather himself.