Their singing and occasional dancing does not have the direct emotional fervor of the villagers and workers in the three other groups.
The emotional fervor of the council session last week, echoed that of community meetings during the campaign.
All revealed his ability to set people moving with craggy grandeur and emotional fervor.
If women don't like it, they throw it back with an emotional fervor.
Jefferson: He's very intelligent, and there's real emotional fervor there.
He was also looking at this scene of emotional fervor with ironic detachment and amusement.
Yes, but a great many of them will be swept up in the emotional fervor you incite, young woman.
These may be true, but these are arguments that appeal to the dispassionate mind of a judge, not the emotional public fervor.
But Callas's emotional fervor could at times overwhelm a text.
The language loses its urban rhythms, and any emotional fervor is drowned in cuteness.